
Your First Choice

Founded in 2016, ONETOPFOOD is an innovative food powder manufacturing company. The company’s strength lies in its R&D ability in creating milk powder, instant tea powder, instant coffee powder, cheese floam tea powder, pudding powder, smoothie powder, hand-shaken drink power, and many other kinds of food seasoning powder to be used in the production of many kinds of food. As an OEM/ODM, the company has obtained ISO, HSCCP and Halal certifications. Read More

Professional Experience

The CEO of the company has devoted more than 30 years to the innovation and production of food powder.

The company is located in Taiwan, where hand-shaken pearl milk tea originated and all kinds of powder are being innovated and exported world-wide to produce all types and flavors of drinks.



Your First Choice

元鼎食品生技有限公司成立於2016年,是新型態食品製粉業,具有國際ISO、HACCP、清真等相關認證,並有OEM/ODM的代工能力及專業研發團隊;專營:奶精粉、即溶奶茶粉、即溶咖啡、奶蓋粉、各式風味調味粉、布丁凍粉、冰沙粉..等手搖飲料粉末。 Read More

Professional Experience

